Sabtu, 17 April 2010



Osteomyelitis is an acute or chronic bone infection.


Bone infection can be caused by bacteria or fungi.

* Infection may also spread to a bone from infected skin, muscles, or tendons next to the bone, as in osteomyelitis that occurs under a chronic skin ulcer (sore).
* The infection that causes osteomyelitis can also start in another part of the body and spread to the bone through the blood.
* A current or past injury may have made the affected bone more likely to develop the infection. A bone infection can also start after bone surgery, especially if the surgery is done after an injury or if metal rods or plates are placed in the bone.

In children, the long bones are usually affected. In adults, the feet, spine bones (vertebrae), and the hips (pelvis) are most commonly affected.

Risk factors are recent trauma, diabetes, hemodialysis, poor blood supply, and IV drug abuse. People who have had their spleen removed are also at higher risk for osteomyelitis.


* Bone pain
* Fever
* General discomfort, uneasiness, or ill-feeling (malaise)
* Local swelling, redness, and warmth
* Nausea

Additional symptoms that may be associated with this disease:

* Chills
* Excessive sweating
* Low back pain
* Swelling of the ankles, feet, and legs


The objective of treatment is to eliminate the infection and prevent it from getting worse.

Antibiotics will be given to destroy the bacteria that are causing the infection. You may be given more than one antibiotic at a time. Often, the antibiotics are given through an IV (intravenously, meaning through a vein) rather than by mouth. Antibiotics are taken for at least 4-6 weeks, sometimes longer.

Surgery may be needed to remove dead bone tissue if you have an infection that does not go away. If there are metal plates near the infection, they may be removed. The open space left by the removed bone tissue may be filled with bone graft or packing material that promotes the growth of new bone tissue.

Infection of an orthopedic prosthesis may require surgical removal of the prosthesis and infected tissue surrounding the area. A new prosthesis may be implanted in the same operation or delayed until the infection has gone away.

If the patient has diabetes, it will need to be well controlled. If there are problems with blood supply, surgery to improve blood flow may be needed.

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